"SNL" standout Dana Carvey captured Perot's rambling delivery and Texan twang in 10 sketches from 1992 to 1997. Some fans are arguing that Johnson's impression was actually BETTER than Carvey's, "Katrina Johnson's Ross Perot impression on All That was better than Dana Carvey's on SNL.". 2:01 PM EDT, Wed July 10, 2019. Ross Perot, who died at the age of 89 on Tuesday, is perhaps the most notable presidential candidate to run from a third-party, which he did in 1992 and 1996. Others couldnt help but find joy in Carveys Perot on the sad day. Texas billionaire Ross Perot, who died Tuesday at 89, he was very much in on the joke. By using the site, you consent to these cookies. [ Andy runs off stage, as the audience goes nuts ], [ Lovitz enjoys his recognitions, as Carvey playfully wraps his arms around him and fondles his man-breasts ]. During the next election, his oft-repeated objection "Let me finish!" Copyright 2023 Penske Business Media, LLC. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. Carvey even pretaped segments allowing both characters to be used in the same sketch for a live broadcast. Stick around, well be right back! (Photo credit should read RICHARD ELLIS/AFP/Getty Images), Carvey told Ashley Lee of the Los Angeles Times.
July 9, 2019 1:04 PM PT. Shoots Down Chinese Spy Balloon, FBI Searches Biden's Beach House, Weekend Update: Milly Pounds and Shirty on the British Monarchy, Weekend Update: Punxsutawney Phil On Seeing His Shadow, Weekend Update ft. Michael Longfellow, James Austin Johnson and Devon Walker, Weekend Update: Genetics Company Reviving the Dodo Bird, Bear Poses for Selfies, Pedro Pascal Promises Ego Nwodim is Safe from The Last of Us Clickers, SNL Hair & Makeup Quick Change: Roller Coaster Accident, Weekend Update: Trump's Facebook Reinstated, George Santos Admits to Dressing in Drag, Weekend Update: Angel on the Return of Wendys Vanilla Frosty, Weekend Update ft. Kenan Thompson, Heidi Gardner and Michael B. Jordan, Weekend Update: TikTok Fights Texas Ban, Chipotle Hiring for "Burrito Season", Weekend Update: Michael Che's Doorman Carl on the New York Rental Market, Heidi Gardner Asks Michael B. Jordan To Be Her Valentine, Weekend Update: Biden's Classified Document Scandal, George Santos' Lies, Weekend Update: Colin Jost Interviews Rep. George Santos, Weekend Update: April Ludgate and Leslie Knope on Working for the Government, Weekend Update ft. Aubrey Plaza, Amy Poehler and Bowen Yang, Weekend Update: China's Population Decline, Andy Murray Denied Bathroom Break, Sam Smith and Kenan Thompson Are Huge Aubrey Plaza Fans, Weekend Update: Trump Launches NFT Trading Cards, FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried's Arrest, Weekend Update: Cathy Anne Says Goodbye for Now, Weekend Update: Colin's Great Aunt Pat on Holiday Etiquette, Weekend Update: Krampus on Kidnapping Naughty Children, Weekend Update ft. Bowen Yang, Heidi Gardner, Mikey Day and Cecily Strong, Weekend Update: Nuclear Scientists Achieve "Ignition," Trump vs. DeSantis GOP Civil War, Jennifer Coolidge Is Impressed by Christmas Stuff, We and our partners use cookies on this site to improve our service, perform analytics, personalize advertising, measure advertising performance, and remember website preferences. Carvey is one of the all-time great impersonators in SNL history, and his take on Perot is one for the history books. Click here to watch the clip in full. He loved it and was very nice about it, Carvey said. 89-year-old Perot, who twice ran for president as an independent candidate, died after a five-month battle with leukemia. It was not a lot of heavy lifting on my part.. Was Perot ever offended by Carveys take on him? Today the world is mourning the loss of Ross Perot, and if you were a kid in the 90s you probably remember the parodies of the Texas self-made billionaire made famous by . Thank you! [ Bill and Kristen exit ] Dana Carvey: [ singing ] "I did Ross Perot! It also reminded many of one of the things that most made Perot incredibly famous: Dana Carveys boisterous, shrill, bizarre folksy aphorism-spouting impersonation of him on Saturday Night Live. All Rights Reserved. Linkin Park is here! Um Its just undeniable! pic.twitter.com/1iLeK1wNWa, Larry With a L (@MrBrijez) July 9, 2019, https://twitter.com/southbndsuarez/status/1148619361361338370, damn #rossperot #katrinajohnson pic.twitter.com/mSChd4qaro. Dana Carvey as Ross Perot in a ''Perot for President" skit on May 9, 1992. [ he mimes smoking ] Goodbye, everybody! Dana Carvey as Bob Dylan. The cast of Hartman, Jackson, Carvey, Miller, Hooks, Nealon, and, of course, Myers, were a great team. Dana Carvey: I know! Larry King's Wedding Reception:Perot appears with his third different Larry King, this time being Norm MacDonald (who reallyloves "Gattaca."). Click here to watch. I did Ching Change but thats racist now. https://t.co/HoH0TQJuc9. The late Ross Perot will be remembered for a great many things, from running for president in 1992 as a third-party candidate and scoring 19% of the vote, arguably handing the White House to. I did Garth and Hans It was a renaissance 86 to 93 was the be-e-e-e-e-est!. The late Ross Perot will be remembered for a great many things, from running for president in 1992 as a third-party candidate and scoring 19% of the vote, arguably handing the White House to Bill Clinton, to founding the billion dollar company Electronic Data Systems and organizing a daring 1979 rescue of two Americans imprisoned in Iran. SNL had the funniest take with the sketch Joyride with Perot, where the candidate takes Stockdale (played by Phil Hartman) on a car ride after the debate and lavishes him with praise before convincing him to leave the car to check out the scenery. This forced the show to use camera tricks and recorded segments anytime Perot and Bush appeared together during a live broadcast. Okay? I really enjoyed doing Ross Perot, such a fun character to play, Carvey said. Bush, but his Perot impression was equally loved, and frequently paired him up with Phil Hartman as Larry King. There goes my stand up career. "Ill always remember Ross Perot as played by Amanda Bynes that Im now googling and it was actually Katrina Johnson and now Ill be down an All That rabbit hole for 2 hours," someone mentioned. Thank you! From Los Angeles, California! 40 Best 'Saturday Night Live' Characters of All Time, Ross Perot, Billionaire and Former Presidential Candidate, Dead at 89. You know, uh after I left SNL in 1993, people would come up to me and say, Dana, the shows not as good without you! Or, Dana, I liked it better when you were there! You know? appreciated. The man was a Vietnam War hero who survived seven years as a prisoner of war, but he was new to politics and seemed a little confused at the debate. Its Carvey and Hartman at their absolute best, and a memory likely to be almost as enduring as Perots long-shot campaign.
Lord Mike on Twitter: "RT @GeorgeZippp: I'm Perot Talks Dirty Tricks - SNL - YouTube Ross Perot Re-Enters the Race:Perot gets back into the 1992 race by responding to negative feedback. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. The show has always had great people, and no cast is better than any other cast except for MY cast. But this guy is a titan.". [ singing ] I mean, 86 to 93 was the be-e-e-e-est!. Click here to watch. Be the first to rate this post. The first time I voted for President (in 96!) Ask Donald Trump what he thinks of Alec Baldwins impersonation of him on Saturday Night Live and youll likely get a not-so-flattering response. 86 to 93 was the best! Dana Carvey During the 1992 U.S. presidential election campaign, "Saturday Night Live" actor Dana Carvey played both President George H.W.
Saturday Night Live TV Show Sound Bites - Ross Walker Along with "SNL," Perot was frequently parodied on the Nickelodeon sketch show, "All That," by comedian Katrina Johnson. I cant recall if they ever did a sketch where both Bush and Perot were together and what they did for that @mikeryan?https://t.co/B7RKm63GGm, Christopher Campbell (@thefilmcynic) July 9, 2019, Watch Dana Carveys Ross Perot character take Phil Hartmans Admiral Stockdale for a joyride on #SNL in 1992 https://t.co/JOfwVOnGO3 pic.twitter.com/2V4wqoVK8C, Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) July 9, 2019, https://twitter.com/AustinKellerman/status/1148598400318922754, CLIP: @danacarvey does his impression of Ross Perot at the White House. Dana Carvey: Thank you! I didnt know why I just did that, but anyway! !") I chopped brocco-locco-liiii! Here he is greeting trick or treaters in Dallas.
Debate '92 - SNL Transcripts Tonight Yet, he was arguably the most viable 3rd party candidate weve seen.
Playing Clinton, the late great Phil Hartman. His Carson meets Arsenio skit was hilarious. I'm not worthy!" Carvey_perot_cracker.wav Dana Carvey: "Hold it there, cracker boy, I'm not finished." Carvey_perot_finish.wav Dana Carvey impersonating Ross Perot: "Can I finish?. Bush and there were 18 cast members that season, he was allowed to play him throughout the course of the 1992 campaign. Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. But when many people look back at Ross Perot, the image they recall is Dana Carveys hysterical impersonation of him on Saturday Night Live. What worked around the dinner table for my family did not work for 11 year-olds. His McCartney was great too. Every sketch is great plus it would take too looooong! Ross Perot (Dana Carvey) holds a press conference in which he explains the many Republican dirty tricks that he and his family have to fend off, including attempts at replacing his dental. He said to me, I got an idea: You go out and do me, and Ill do me. Saturday Night Live: The Best of Dana Carvey: With Dana Carvey, David Spade, Rob Schneider, Jon Lovitz. "Can I finish" has a whole new meaning. Jon Lovitz: [ he raises his arm triumphantly ] ACTING!! Its no won-der I sim-ply cant de-ny! [ he snickers ] Maybe I shouldnt say it. Bill Hader: Youre right that group was an AMAZING emsemble! Prob-ab-lyyyyy! !) I chopped brocco-locco-liiii! Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much SNL had the funniest take with the sketch Joyride with Perot, where the candidate takes Stockdale (played by Phil Hartman) on a car ride after the debate and lavishes him with praise before convincing him to leave the car to check out the scenery. Anti-NAFTA Message: Perot was a major critic of NAFTA and introduces to everybody the first "victim" of the agreement. For more information on cookies including how to manage your consent visit our, This video is not available in your location. Still, others cited themselves, for Carvey and Johnson made Perot seem like someone anybody could impersonate. Jon Lovitz: [ snapping his fingers ] 1 SING! Tags: politics, Bush-Clinton-Perot Debate Cold Opening, Presidential Debate between George Bush, Bill Clinton and Ross Perot., Phil Hartman Bill Clinton, Dana Carvey George Bush, Dana Carvey Ross . He began the night by wondering, Who am I? Hi, Karen.
Watch the 10 Best Times Dana Carvey Played Ross Perot on 'SNL' (Photos) I-I dont know. Sorry but real 90s kids jump immediately to Katrina Johnson https://t.co/HlKO88vOIF, Old Chau Road Remix ? M.J. Stephey. 15 Feb 2023 14:28:14 I really enjoyed doing Ross Perot, such a fun character to play, Carvey told The Times. Not that Carvey was the only top-shelf Perot impersonator of the 90s. This forced the show to use camera tricks and recorded segments anytime Perot and Bush appeared together during a live broadcast.
SNL Transcripts: Dana Carvey: 02/05/11: Dana Carvey's Monologue 2.
His nasal speaking voice and quirky personality made him a perfect target for the comedian and even though the actor already played President George H.W. Ross Perot, billionaire tycoon and 2-time presidential candidate, dies at 89. Wow! Carvey was so good he was asked to pull double duty during the 1992 US presidential campaign, when he played both Perot and his rival, President George H.W. Another message read, "Never looked at him the same after Dana Carveys insane SNL skits. And, if I may be so bold, out of that cast I was probably the best cast member. 2023 Cable News Network.
Dana Carvey as Ross Perot on 'SNL' Is Great: Watch - Rolling Stone [ the audience cheers wildly ] Karen Wong, everybody! Hardly. While some cited the star of Opportunity Knocks, others called out Katrina Johnson, who did a pint-sized Perot on the beloved Nickelodeon sketch comedy show All That. Goodbye! Sign up for Rolling Stones Newsletter. Watch Carveys Ross Perot character take Phil Hartmans Admiral Stockdale for a joyride in 1992, Flashback: Dana Carveys Greatest Moment as Ross Perot on Saturday Night Live, Neil Young Sets Release Date for Vintage Seventies Bootlegs, Kiley Dean Began As Britney Spears Backup Singer. Details Ross Perot and other third-party candidates debate on Larry King Live. And now, here is your moderator, Jane Pauley. Of all the live comedy shows going on in New York right now, THIS is the best freakin audience right now! But thats just not true.
Jane Pauley: Good evening. I think we have a photo? 4 moments on CNN that helped shape Ross Perot's political path, He just suddenly was on the scene, it seemed, Carvey said of Perot. Bush. During the 1992 presidential cycle, Carveys Perot squared off against Phil Hartmans McDonalds-loving Bill Clinton as well as Carvey himself, who had been doing his cocky twist on George H.W. Two-time presidential candidate and billionaire tycoon Ross Perot, who died Tuesday at the age of 89 after a five-month battle with leukemia, was amused when comedian Dana Carvey poked fun at him on the long-running NBC show. My first episode of this show was October 11th, 1986, with host Sigourney Weaver. Send us a tip using our anonymous form. Prob-ab-lyyyyy! Two-time third-party presidential candidate died at the age of 89 on Tuesday, Ross Perot, who died at the age of 89 on Tuesday, is perhaps the most notable presidential candidate to run from a third-party, which he did in 1992 and 1996. Shoots Down Chinese Spy Balloon, FBI Searches Biden's Beach House, Weekend Update: Milly Pounds and Shirty on the British Monarchy, Weekend Update: Punxsutawney Phil On Seeing His Shadow, Weekend Update ft. Michael Longfellow, James Austin Johnson and Devon Walker, Weekend Update: Genetics Company Reviving the Dodo Bird, Bear Poses for Selfies, Pedro Pascal Promises Ego Nwodim is Safe from The Last of Us Clickers, SNL Hair & Makeup Quick Change: Roller Coaster Accident, Weekend Update: Trump's Facebook Reinstated, George Santos Admits to Dressing in Drag, Weekend Update: Angel on the Return of Wendys Vanilla Frosty, Weekend Update ft. Kenan Thompson, Heidi Gardner and Michael B. Jordan, Weekend Update: TikTok Fights Texas Ban, Chipotle Hiring for "Burrito Season", Weekend Update: Michael Che's Doorman Carl on the New York Rental Market, Heidi Gardner Asks Michael B. Jordan To Be Her Valentine, Weekend Update: Biden's Classified Document Scandal, George Santos' Lies, Weekend Update: Colin Jost Interviews Rep. George Santos, Weekend Update: April Ludgate and Leslie Knope on Working for the Government, Weekend Update ft. Aubrey Plaza, Amy Poehler and Bowen Yang, Weekend Update: China's Population Decline, Andy Murray Denied Bathroom Break, Sam Smith and Kenan Thompson Are Huge Aubrey Plaza Fans, Weekend Update: Trump Launches NFT Trading Cards, FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried's Arrest, Weekend Update: Cathy Anne Says Goodbye for Now, Weekend Update: Colin's Great Aunt Pat on Holiday Etiquette, Weekend Update: Krampus on Kidnapping Naughty Children, Weekend Update ft. Bowen Yang, Heidi Gardner, Mikey Day and Cecily Strong, Weekend Update: Nuclear Scientists Achieve "Ignition," Trump vs. DeSantis GOP Civil War, Jennifer Coolidge Is Impressed by Christmas Stuff, We and our partners use cookies on this site to improve our service, perform analytics, personalize advertising, measure advertising performance, and remember website preferences. Now that I think about it I may have had one or two things that didnt play. The late Ross Perot will be remembered for a great many things, from running for president in 1992 as a third-party candidate and scoring 19% of the vote, arguably handing the White House to Bill Clinton, to founding the billion dollar company Electronic Data Systems and organizing a daring 1979 rescue of two Americans imprisoned in Iran. And many of the accolades from that era go to Carvey. Thanks for everything you lovable kook.https://t.co/sau58mp6jI. Carvey_not_worthy.wav Dana Carvey: "I'm not worthy! Dana Carvey: Oh, thank you, Rainn Wilson! We were the greatest players to ever grace this stage! Why am I here? He also had the moderator repeat a question because his hearing aid was off and nearly walked up to the wrong podium. He began the night by wondering, Who am I? Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. And, honestly, people always pick one cast in SNL history, and then theyll say THAT was the best cast. We want to hear it. Dana Carvey: Well I didnt say awesome. Halloween in Dallas:Carvey, who left "SNL" in 1993, would return as Perot a handful of times. I'm picturing Dana Carvey as Ross Perot on SNL. No votes so far! Dana Carvey Comedians Saturday Night Live Celebrity Impersonations Funny Audio Clips Dana Carvey impersonations of Bob Dylan, George Bush, Neil Young, Ross Perot, Garth from Wayne and Garth, the Church Lady & The famous Chopping Broccoli Song !
Dana Carvey Was Terrified To Play Saturday Night Live's Church Lady Carvey played up Perot's short stature, Texas twang and robust ears in skewering the candidate's pro-business, pro-technology, pro-wealth approach to every problem. (When the time came for the big three-way debate sketch, Carvey had to pre-record his Perot bits, which were spliced into the live broadcast.).
Dana Carvey says Ross Perot loved how the comedian poked fun at him on I bombed so hard. Comedy Late Night Highlight Appearing: Mark McKinney Go to show page Tags: 1990, Larry King Live cold open, Dana. This is my contribution to the discourse. Comedian Dana Carvey appeared as a regular cast member on "Saturday Night Live" from 1986 to 1993, and it could be argued those were some of the best years of the long-running sketch comedy show.
I'm picturing Dana Carvey as Ross Perot on SNL. "Can I finish" has a Click here to watch. 64-year-old Carvey is famous for his portrayal of George H.W. King gave Ross Perot equal time after he was refused entry into the official debates. as Perot than you're clearly not between 35-45. Perot Talks Dirty Tricks:Perot sidesteps questions about his claim of Republicans using "dirty tricks" against him. One of SNL's most talented alumni, comedian Dana Carvey reigned supreme during his six-season run creating some of the show's most memorable characters, including "Church Lady", "Garth" of Wayne & Garth fame, Grumpy Old Man and bodybuilding "Hans" of Hans & Franz notoriety.
Dana Carvey - Saturday Night Live Cast Members - RateItAll Powerful Ross Perot:Carvey made light of Perot's early exit from the 1992 election (he dropped out in July but would re-enter in October), but showing off how money is the real power. Bush. 2019 TIME USA, LLC. One of Carveys most memorable sketches was Joyride with Perot, in which he drives a car while trying to ditch running mate Admiral James Stockdale (played by Phil Hartman) following his disastrous debate appearance. President George Bush Sr., presidential candidate Ross Perot, . He was my introduction to committing to an impression and also to puzzle hunts, which are awesome. Can I finish, can I finish, can I finish . She did. (12/7/92), Full video here: https://t.co/tczIw07GP5 pic.twitter.com/HiD8SBNwQE, One of the best memories about the 1992 election was the SNL presidential debate with Dana Carvey playing both Bush and Perot. https://t.co/iQvwxk8F1G, Kathy Klotz-Guest, Speaker, #CMWorld, #Inbound (@kathyklotzguest) July 9, 2019, Dana Carveys Bush impression got more mileage but I always preferred his Ross Perot. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Saturday Night Live - The Best of Dana Carvey, DVD at the best online prices at eBay! Two-time presidential candidate and billionaire tycoon Ross Perot, who died Tuesday at the age of 89 after a five-month battle with leukemia, was amused when comedian Dana Carvey poked fun. Why am I here? He also had the moderator repeat a question because his hearing aid was off and nearly walked up to the wrong podium. I did Ching Change but that's racist now.
David Spade And Dana Carvey Bring Listeners Inside All Things - Forbes Odd, but not surprised, to see Dana Carvey trending today.
Saturday Night Live - The Best of Dana Carvey, DVD By using the site, you consent to these cookies. All rights reserved. Tom Sizemore, star of 'Saving Private Ryan,' 'Heat,' dies at 61 after brain aneurysm, Josh Hartnett is done talking about his break from Hollywood but ready to make fun of actors: 'We're the worst', Michael B. Jordan admits muscle gain for 'Creed' has been harder as he's gotten older, Billy Bush suggests Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes start their own show after ABC exit: 'They've got something that works', How to watch every Oscars 2023 Best Picture nominee. His random-ass run shaped a decade of politics and was a zany cultural marker besides. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Rip, Ross Perot. (PAUL RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images), WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 6: Ross Perot, (R) Reform party candidate listens to CNN's Larry King live following the Presidential Debate in Washington, DC 06 October. You know, Dana, youre so right your cast was awesome. Can we go now? And Ill be, like, Thank you!.
Dana Carvey Picture | SNL's Best Political Impersonators - ABC News Larry King Live -- Third-Party Candidates: With Will Ferrell now as King, Perot debates with other third-party candidates running for the 1996 election. Bush since the Reagan years.
Dana Carvey audio clips - Soundboard.com She Ended Up Finding Herself, Hear Ann-Margret and Pete Townshends New Take on the Everly Brothers Bye Bye Love, Tom Sizemore, Heat and Saving Private Ryan Actor, Dead at 61, See Travis Kelce and Kelsea Ballerini Joke About Their Matching Names in SNL Promo, Not Even Aubrey Plaza Can Save Operation Fortune, Guy Ritchies Weak Stab at Bond, Creed III Is a Muscular, Punishing Statement on Race in America, 'Daisy Jones & The Six' Rocks Prime Video: How to Watch the TV Adaptation Online, The National Stay Up Late to Perform 'Tropic Morning News' on Fallon, David Lindley, Multi-Instrumentalist Who Shaped the Sound of Soft Rock, Dead at 78, Suki Waterhouse Won't Take Romance for Granted on New Single 'To Love', Travis Barker Says His Finger Ligament Surgery Was a 'Success' After Postponing Blink-182 Tour. SNL Transcripts: Gwyneth Paltrow: 01/15/11: Goodnights, SNL Transcripts: Miley Cyrus: 03/05/11: Weekend Update with Seth Meyers, SNL Transcripts: Kevin Hart: 03/02/13: Goodnights, SNL Transcripts: Jason Alexander: 04/10/93: Food Union Break Room, SNL Transcripts: Alec Baldwin: 02/22/97: Wong & Owens, Ex-Porn Stars, A Message From the Vice-President of the United States, SNL Transcripts: Christoph Waltz: 02/16/13, SNL Transcripts: Christian Slater: 10/26/91: The McLaughlin Group, SNL Transcripts: Robert Downey, Jr.: 11/16/96: Goodnights, SNL Transcripts: Ben Affleck: 11/01/08: Ben Afflecks Monologue. Presidential Debate between George Bush, Bill Clinton and Ross Perot. Jon Lovitz: [ he scoffs ] Speak for yourself, my little pixie!
Flashback: Dana Carvey's Greatest Moment as Ross Perot on - Yahoo! He was a colorful American character.. Andy Samberg: Wait a second, Dana! Kristen Wiig: [ miffed ] Hi. Take our word for it that every mo-ment hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittt!, 86 to 93 wa-a-a-a-a-sss the be-e-e-e-e-e-est!!. Dana Carvey: [ thinking ] Does it? [ in Regis Philbin voice ] Were outta CONTROL!! The man was a Vietnam War hero who survived seven years as a prisoner of war, but he was new to politics and seemed a little confused at the debate. Bush and there were 18 cast members that season, he was allowed to play him throughout the course of the 1992 campaign. RT @GeorgeZippp: I'm picturing Dana Carvey as Ross Perot on SNL. Can I finish one time? I voted for Ross Perot, which says way less about my politics than it does about my affinity for graphs and Dana Carvey. Show art for Cadence13's Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade Courtesy of Cadence13 Premium Podcast Studio, Cadence13, an Audacy company, has partnered with two of Saturday Night. Neither Johnson nor Carvey have yet commented on Perot's death, but would definitely break the Internet if they did a eulogy in full costume. Dana Carvey: Thank you! Fans are sharing clips of the funny man playing Perot, and reflecting on some of the best moments. Tags: 1990, Larry King Live cold open, Dana Carvey cold open, Ross Perot Larry King, Third party candidates Larry King, Third party presidential candidates, Travis Kelce Gets Coached by Heidi Gardner for SNL, Travis Kelce Channels His Inner Indiana Jones, Weekend Update: Biden Meets with Zelenskyy in Ukraine, the Oscars' Crisis Team, Weekend Update: Harvey Weinstein and R. Kelly's Prison Sentences, NBA Slam Dunk Contest, Weekend Update ft. James Austin Johnson and Heidi Gardner, Weekend Update: Gina Bianchi on the Joys of Motherhood, Weekend Update: Bill Walton on LeBron James and the Lakers, Jack White: Taking Me Back/Fear of the Dawn (Live), Woody Harrelson Is Ready to Host Saturday Night Live, Woody Harrelson Takes a Trip Down SNL Memory Lane, Weekend Update: U.S. Click here to watch. Ross Perot has died. This edition of Saturday Night Live represents the most versatile actor and stand-up comedian ever! In fact, he called me up once because he wanted me to be with him in Texas on election night! Click here to watch. I mean, let me put it to you this way: [ singing ] I have often stood on this stage before.
Ross Perot's Death Breathes Life Into Dana Carvey, 'All That' Parodies He had this distinct Texas drawl and this old-fashioned pragmatic servitude about his policies, and hed be very impatient when people didnt get it. And they flashed throughout the show, because we were going crazy, you know what I mean? So iconic was Carveys Perot that the comic wound up talking, shortly after the news broke, to The Los Angeles Times.