It may change its shape: stretching out into a flat writhing carpet, contracting into a pulsing ball, or growing into a wriggling column. Fundamental truths of the cosmos herein lie, to be used to support and inspire countless adventures by bringing Cthulhu, Hastur, Azathoth, and many others to your games. Given the inherent role of the Dreamlands with this deity, encounters may have a dream-like quality, forcing participants to wonder at the reality of their senses and memories. AlongsideThe Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic, it will be part of the wish list of all fans of the system.". Certain magical wards or charms may negate this effect. The Necronomicon mentions Idh-yaa briefly, stating that the deity is unable to move from Xoth and suggests that it is somehow intrinsically linked to the star, causing some to speculate that the deity is the star, rather than a resident of it. that later divided or split in some fashion to create these different distinct beings. It consists of two large volumes. NYARLATHOTEP (Outer God) Look unto the skies and see a thousand stars staring down from the cold depths of space, their form and range legion. Encounters Initial encounters may see Han first appear as a shadow within a mist, but it may later take on a more substantial formusually that of a humanoid-like entity wrapped in a black cloak and a dense fog. Believers of this theory claim that both entities desire to be whole, and that they shall (one day) find a way to one another, coming together as one. Other names: the Dancers, Lesser Ones, the Pipers. The Elder wards may be failing or limited, allowing it brief periods of freedom in the countryside to again bring to life tales of the Berkeley Toad. Enjoy Greg Stafford's award-winning Prince Valiant. Encounters Unless the time to take to the skies and travel to Earth has come, encounters on our planet would seem limited to contact with potential cultists wishing to contact or attract this Old One. Manipulate Form: while unable to disguise itself as something other, Nyogtha can manipulate its form by spending 5 magic points to send forth a pseudopod and shape it to appear like a specific person (perhaps drawn from the mind of an observer). Deception and secrets figure largely, with things unseen directing hidden agendas. The letter Y is pronounced as it is in yore. OI is pronounced as in noise. 252 Entity Pronunciation Abhoth AB-hauth Aforgomon a-FOER-goe-mon Ahtu AL-Mo-zz Aphoom-Zhah AH-foom ZHAH Arwassa ahr-WAH-sah Atlach-Nacha AT-lach NACH-ah Azathoth AZ-ah-thoth BMoth BEE-moth Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg BOT ZOO-kah-mog Bast BAST Bugg-Shash BUG SH-ASH Byatis BEE-yat-is Chaugnar Faugn SHOG-ner FAHN Chorazin CHOR-ah-zin Cthugha kuh-THOOG-hah Cthulhu kuh-THOO-loo Cthylla kuh-THILL-a Cxaxukluth AX-uh-klut Cyegha sigh-AE-guh Cymaeghi sigh-MAY-gli Cythulos sigh-thu-LOS PRONUNCIATION GUIDE OF MYTHOS NAMES Entity Pronunciation Entity Pronunciation Dagon & Hydra DAE-gon & HIGH-druh Qyth-az Quee-et-az Daoloth DAE-oe-loth Quachil Uttaus KWAH-chil oo-TOSS Eihort IGH-hort Rhan-Tegoth ran-TEE-goth Fthaggua fuh-THAG-wah Rlim Shaikorth rlim SHAE-koerth Ghatanothoa gah-tahn-oe-THOE-ah Saaitii Sa-EYY-TEE Ghizguth GIZ-gooth Sebek SEB-bek Ghroth Gg-ROTH Shub-Niggurath shub-NEE-ger-ARTH Glaaki GLA-AK-ee Shudde Mell shood-ih-MEL Gnophkehs nauf-KAEZ Tawil atUmr ta-WIHL at-OOM-er Gol-goroth GOL-goe-roth Trunembra TROO-nem-brah Groth-golka groth-GOEL-kah Tsathoggua zah-THOG-wah Hastalk has-TAHL-ik Tulzscha TULZ-SHA Hastur has-TOOR Ubbo-Sathla OO-boe SAT-lah Hziulquoigmnzhah ZOO-lih-kwoy-MOEZ-ha Utulls-Hrher OO-tuls-HE-RER Idh-yaa ID-yah Vorvadoss VOER-va-does Iod IGH-od Vulthoom vuhl-THOOM Ithaqua ITH-uh-kwah Xada-Hgla ZAE-dah-GLAE Kassogtha kas-SOG-thah Ygolonac ee-GOE-laun-ahk Kruschtya Equation ROOSH-tih-YAH Yegg-ha yeg-HA Lilith lil-LEETH Yibb-Tstll yib-TIS-tuhl Mguleloc Mm-GUL-i-LOCH Yidhra YID-rah Madam Yi Madam Yee Yig YIG Mhithrha meeh-ITH-uh-RAH Yog-Sothoth YAHG-sau-thoth Mordiggian mor-DIJ-ih-an Yolanda Yo-land-RAH Nctosa & Nctolhu en-TOW-sah & en-CHOL-hoo Ythogtha yih-THOG-thah Nodens NOE-denz Yumengtis You-meng-TIS Nug & Yeb NOOG & YEHB Zathog ZATH-ahg Nyarlathotep NIGH-ar-LAT-hoe-tep Zhar & Lloigor ZAR & LOI-gore Nyogtha nee-OG-thah Zoth Syra & Yoth Kala ZOTH SEE-rah & YOTH-Kal-a Ossadagowah oe-sah-DAH-gwah Zoth-Ommog ZOTH-oe-mogg Pharol FAR-el Zu-che-quon ZOO-shae-kwan 253 M o n s t e r M a s t e r Powers Name s h e e t Damage Bonus Attack Description SAN Loss STR CON SIZ DEX INT POW MOV Build Skills Hit Points Powers SAN Loss Hit Points MOV Build ) ) ) ) ) Spells Attack DEX INT POW / / / / / Damage Bonus Description STR CON SIZ %( %( %( %( %( Damage Armor Magic Points Name Skill Skills Skill %( %( %( %( %( Armor Magic Points Spells copyright 2020 Chaosium Inc. Given these boons of rapid healing and health, some cults essentially feed off the deity while also working to keep the god trapped, believing they can control and restrain their god while siphoning off its power. Address: Be the first to receive exclusive offers and the latest news on our products and services directly in your inbox. The original cult seems not to have survived among humans in general terms, although small sectsmore aligned to the concept of Bast the Elder God than Bast the earthly goddessare said to have existed down the years into modern times, with these seeming to be particularly concerned with guarding and protecting ancient artifacts and lore concerning Bast; perhaps, such lore reveals far more than the common wisdom normally associated with the goddess. Such cults may operate on the basis of believing that the sacrifice of twins carries a powerful charge and resonance for their twin gods. Those affected may suffer from migraine headaches, fly into senseless fits of rage, strike out at those who try to talk sense into them or otherwise try to remove the device. Possible Blessings Masked: whether through a certain spell or blessing, some cultists can transform their heads into a crocodilelike appearance (whether a crocodile mask is necessary it uncertain), able to deliver bone crushing bites (1D6+4 damage). The effect can be resisted with a POW roll, and otherwise negated or ended if the idol is destroyed. Like moths to a flame, all are drawn to glow of this blazing fire of passion. Total Immersion: entire location aflame, submerged in water, filled with poison/chemical gas, total exposure to a biological agent, nuclear blast. It reforms in 1D100+10 days. If the individual concerned fails a Hard POW roll, their mind becomes open to the connection and is affected, receiving 1D10 points of Cthulhu Mythos while suffering the loss of 1D10+2 Sanity points (no Sanity roll). Zoth Syra and Yoth Kala are the names given to two gigantic slime-based entities dwelling in the Green Abyss, which is believed by most to be located in the deepest part of Earths oceans. Those who have read the journal entries claim that Longbridge writes of receiving messages from an alien mind, which most attribute as Qyth-az, and how this mind wishes him to become one with itself. One Other names: Chat-u Fnauna, the Feeding One, the Horror from the Hills, the Sitting God. Those falling insane become agents for the Old One (temporarily if indefinite insanity is cured, or permanently otherwise). All told the Monstorum contains 480 pages and the . Sanity Loss: 1/1D10 Sanity points. For those affected, the commands of Chorazin vary greatly, from performing the murder of someone opposed to (or knowing too much) about Cthulhu and its cult to delivering a message to someone or some group. The tears are collected by the cult, who believe the fluid holds wondrous properties of healing and made into a wine of rare virtue that is jealously kept for cult ceremonies. Aura Vorvadoss If witnessing the manifestation of this Elder One, knowledgeable humans with experience of the Mythos may at first think they are witnessing the arrival of one of the horrors from Tindalos. It is the music of chaos unbound, unstoppable and all-consuming. Its appearance so alien, so hideous, and inherently wrong that it causes humans to become literally petrified on the spot. Encounters While some rare rituals are said to call Hypnos to appear and grant blessings to those in the Waking World, most who encounter this entity will do so during a dream or while exploring the wonders or nightmares of the Dreamlands. Such individuals may receive knowledge of Cthulhu via the entitys dreams or are possibly influenced magically or otherwise by a nearby cult leader. The preponderance of vermin, insects, and other crawling things that seem unhealthily drawn to the deity further amplifies this feeling of uncleanliness. Nodens shall appear! Naturally, those unaffected may find themselves acting savagely anyway to defend themselves against other affected parties. Monsters and Their Kynde calls this bizarre mist the Devourer, while other tomes have both BMoth and Beh-Moth. Other names: Angels, Those from Afar, Waiting Ones. And, if Zathogs heritage and connection to UbboSathla is true, we may assume that it too is able to form and cast out a myriad of strange lifeforms, with some growing to large size and wandering off, while others are reabsorbed. Mike is the co-writer of Call of Cthulhu 7th edition, Pulp Cthulhu, was the lead on the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set, as well as the revised Masks of Nyarlathotep; in fact, traces of Mikes tentacles can be found in every book in the line. Cult No organized human cult is believed to operate, although isolated communities, small groups, and solitary worshippers are likely. Fighting Black flame Cult The human-like people of Kn-yan worship Nug and Yeb, holding sickening and horrible orgiastic rites in golden shrines within their underground world. 171 CHAPTER 2 m a l A MENAGERIE OF LESSER OTHER GODS Fighting Crush/smash (mnvr) Dhyighash Mtlblys Sanity Loss: 1/1D10 Sanity points. Those who suffer a loss of Sanity points from seeing the Yellow Sign are cursed; the next time they sleep they should make another Sanity roll and, if failed, they suffer terrible nightmares concerning the King in Yellow, Carcosa, and Hasturall costing further Sanity (1D4/1D8 loss). Like most of Nyarlathoteps avatars, the Tick Tock Man is an agent of chaos, seemingly designed to push humanity (and possibly other species) technologically forward while also fast-forwarding them into oblivion, that, or the desire to drive an individual or group to madness, and through such madness cause damage and far-reaching consequences to society at large. Mind Control: psychically takes control of a person (within 50 yards/meters), using them either as a puppet or taking them back to its hellish lair to be psychically consumed at its leisure. Absolutely stunning amount of information. The Hunger: enables high-ranking cultists to consume the blood of others, which then may be fed to others, sustaining their lives and healing wounds. Sanity Loss: 1/1D10 Sanity points. No human cults are known to be operating, although it is possible that human brains collected by the mi-go and taken to see the wonders of the cosmos might come to learn of Xada-Hgla and report that knowledge back to colleagues on Earth. Hinkley Martins, a professor at Miskatonic University, speculated in his paper, Evidence of the Creation of Life as Seen in the Necronomicon and Other Texts, that these two beings were, in fact, differing facets of the same mythic entity, with each form assimilated into differing cultures in prehistory. Cult Encounters While there appear to be few large-scale cults devoted solely to Yog-Sothoth, the entity is recognized by many cults within their devotions to other deities. The color yellow seems to characterize an association with corruption, decay, disease, as well as decadence, which are embodied in the Yellow Sign, the sigil associated with the King in Yellow, and which appears to be a focus for madness; its design able to possess a life of its own and able to warp the dreams of those who see it. After each attack, the Green Man grows, with leaves and blossoms opening, vines and branches thickening (like a plant rapidly responding to fertilizer). This is a lovely product. With no discernable neck, the head grew out at one end, a blunted triangular mass surrounded by a mane of coiling tentacles, rope-like and of varying lengths. the ability to move a group of people with Aforgomons blessing, but at the cost of all of their magic points. This is a work of fiction. According to Hyperborean scholars, Ghizguth (sometimes Ghisguth) begat Tsathoggua, and is the child of Cxaxukluth. Many shrines to this Old One may be found in subterranean temples, although a handful of shrines, looking like tall stone pillars or obelisks, are said to survive in remote parts of the Old World. Horror Roleplaying in the Worlds of H. P. Lovecraft. Psychic Torment: the mind, rather than the physical body, of this avatar may be summoned to Earth, allowing the entity to psychically manifest and produce realistic and frightening hallucinations to those within a 10-mile (16 km) radius who fail a Hard POW roll. The high priest of the Order is Ho Fang, who is based in Shanghai. Powers Change: Hastalk existence brings changes to other things.
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