When he had beheaded James, he proceeded further, he added, to take Peter also. There were several illegal aspects of the trial of Jesus Christ. The importance of closer attention to the text is well shown by Calvin's remarks on this verse. *The copyists of old seem to have confounded in writing, as the Latin and most other ancient translators did in rendering, (Greeks) and (Hellenists), here and elsewhere. And as he came into the theater, the sun reflected off of this silver cloth. James sheds his blood, as Stephen had before; for this Peter was destined by man, but the Lord disappointed him. The gospel of Luke also describes what is similar; that is to say, a faith not insincere but human, not wrought of the Spirit but founded on the mind yielding to reasons, proofs, evidences, which are to it overpowering; but there is nothing of God in it: there is no meeting between the soul and God. 14 When she recognized Peters voice, she was so overjoyed she ran back without opening it and There are, of course, imperfect expressions, inasmuch as the truth itself is but partially apprehended; but one is glad to see views so decidedly in advance of ordinary evangelicalism, with equal decision against more churchism. From sun and athroizo; to convene. WebFirst, there was unity in prayer many were gathered together praying (12:12), any differences that might have separated people from one another were now completely lost Then said they, It must be his angel ( Acts 12:13-15 ). But Herod, though originally of an Edomite family, yet seems to have been a proselyte to the Jewish religion; for Josephus says he was zealous for the Mosaic rites, a bigot for the ceremonies. The personal holiness of the Christian is a property of the individual, not of the society as such; hence a professing Christian society, however large a proportion of holy men it may contain, does not predicate of itself that it is a part of Christ's holy Church as long as it exercises no formal official act implying that assumption. The next chapter (Acts 11:1-30) shows us Peter having to give an account of himself before those who had not witnessed the effects of the mighty power of God in the house of Cornelius. ". Whether this was the ease among the Jews scripture does not say; but that there were persons who had this responsible place among them, as among the Gentile churches afterwards, we see clearly. Now when Peter was come to himself, he said, I know of a surety, that the Lord has sent his angel, and has delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews ( Acts 12:10-11 ). The end of the chapter shows us the progress of Peter. Prayers Against The Spirit Of Backwardness 17. It was even, and urgently, pressed on them, but they refused with disdain the message, and rejected the messengers to blood. But that branch of criticism which consists in a full knowledge of the sources, a nice discrimination of the various readings, and a sound judgment in deciding the preferable text, as it is rarely found, so it certainly was not the forte of Dr. C. One hundred and fifty years ago, Dr. E. Wells, in his "Help for the more easy and clear understanding of the Scriptures" (Oxford, 1718), not only adopted the singular in his Greek text and his English paraphrase, but pointed out in his Annotations the great weakness of the argument drawn by dissenters from the plural , as if it favoured their system of separate churches. Kulturltan fotzom, nem nyomok senki arcba egy teleszkpot. Peter was present, but he certainly laid no hand of his on a single soul that day before the Holy Ghost was given. 3. We see such in the gospels. It is a perilous mode of reasoning and likely to lead to universal scepticism, to maintain, for the sake of theoretical consistency, that the visible fruits of the Spirit do not possess a sufficiently distinctive character to enable us to pronounce where they are and where they are not: not to mention that the sin of denying the evident operation of the Holy Spirit is spoken of by our Lord in terms far too awful not to make us tremble at the thought of verging towards it. Father, every ungodly power that has penetrated to the position of authority in the church expose and disgrace them and if they fail to repent, uproot them, in Jesus name. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.) It was the obliterating of mere fleshly distinction between Jew and Gentile. TovbbEskvi fotzs Eskv szervezs, Volt szerencsm Tibi es Szandra fergeteges eskvjn rszt venni. Morning Prayer: Thursday, 15 June Acts Observe that, although the next words are beyond a question scriptural, and so far the case differs from verse 37 referred to in the last chapter, the last clause of verse 5 and the first of verse 6 belong properly speaking to two other chapters (Acts 22:1-30, Acts 26:1-32) rather than to this. And "when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John." This is why the church advanced more dramatically in Gentile territory, as the rest of Acts shows. afterwards the Apostles preach and organize. a. Herod the king: This was Herod Agrippa I, the Surely you cannot accuse these people of praying the prayer of faith. From that we learn that this was the headquarters of the Christian Church. Prayer for Acts 1 - Knowing Jesus Aristopollis was one of them. The profound moral work of God proceeded in that converted heart. No believer could be so ignorant of God and His ways of old as to imagine there ought to be any doubt about those who nevertheless were full of anxieties and troubles, and through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. * Thenceforth the Church becomes a matter of history; and its history is nothing less than that of the vicissitudes, prosperous and adverse, which the kingdom of God upon earth has in the lapse of ages passed through. Kedvenc terleteim kz tartozik Gyr-Moson-Sopron megye is, nagyon gyakran kapok eskvi megbzst Sopron szvbl, de nagyon szvesen jrok fotzni Tapolcra is elvgre mgis csak ott szlettem. Here it is not this, but simply the indiscriminate. Kett darab professzionlis Canon fnykpezvel s nagy fnyerej fix illetve zoom Canon objektvekkel dolgozom. So John often speaks of it; and the very one that tells us most of the divinely given character of true faith who most of all lets us into its secret power and blessedness, even eternal life as bound up with it, that same John is the one who more than any other furnishes instances of a mere humanly produced faith. They refused utterly the Holy Ghost's testimony to the Son of man glorified in heaven, and slew or scattered the witnesses, Who then was specially used as the instrument of the free action of the Holy Ghost elsewhere, without plan, without thought of man, and apparently the simple result of circumstances, but in truth God's hand directing all? And they said, "You're crazy!" Saul in his zeal had desired letters giving him authority to punish the Christian Jews, and was found on his way journeying near the Gentile city that he sought. Now at this point we are introduced to James, who became one of the leaders in the early church, who was a half brother to Jesus. So he said, "Gird yourself up. A vltozatossg varzsolja szness a vilgunkat, s ettl olyan klnleges nlam egy fotzs. A mother. I am far from saying that it was comely on their part to indulge in hesitation touching this wondrous display of divine grace. That one name, through faith in it, what could it not accomplish? Acts 12 And so he did. He was the second husband of Herodias (see G2266) and consented to the death of John the Baptist. he would probably, without hesitation or difficulty, reply, that a Christian Church as it appears, for example, in St. Paul's epistles is a congregation or society of faithful men or believers, whose unseen faith in Christ is visibly manifested by their profession of certain fundamental doctrines, by the administration and reception of the two sacraments, and by the exercise of discipline. It was Peter, not Paul, who was sent to Cornelius. God does not suggest a doubt of His own grace to them, or of the efficacy of Christ's sacrifice for them: unbelief does. This remained; but he preached Him rather in His own personal glory, not as the Son of David, the servant, which was the great burden of Peter's preaching, made Lord and Christ; not that He was the Son of man in heaven, as Stephen witnessed; but that this Jesus, the Christ, is the Son of God, clearly therefore more particularly bound up with the divine nature, or godhead glory of Himself. It was not a question of being saved in the day of judgment; nor is this the meaning of the term "salvation" in the New Testament. This scene does show the stranger discovering the predicted Messiah in Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah suffering, no doubt, but accomplishing atonement. When he had considered; better, with Meyer and Alford, when he perceived it, viz. . James was the second Christian martyr whom Luke identified (cf. Little did the great apostle of the circumcision anticipate what was before him as he tarried many days in Joppa with one Simon a tanner. Festus did not have any charges to send with Paul, and so he had asked Herod Agrippa II, the son of this Herod Agrippa I, to hear Paul's case in order that they might develop charges against him to send to Nero when he was sent there. Great workman as Peter was, he required the intervention of God in a vision to send him to do a work that these unnamed brethren undertook in their confidence of His grace, without any vision or sign whatsoever. There is a mistake, not only in our vernacular Bible, but also in the common Greek text which is equally faulty as the authorized version. During this time the church has enjoyed relative peace, but now severe persecution again raises its ugly head. "In the opening chapters of the Acts of the Apostles, the Christian dispensation is seen in actual operation; for that with the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost that dispensation properly commences will probably be admitted by all parties. Tjkoztatjuk, hogy a honlap felhasznli lmny fokozsnak rdekben stiket alkalmazunk. It was not so with Cornelius. And so he did ( Acts 12:4-8 ). At the same time there is the pity that belongs to one who knew the grace of God, and saw the end of all in His judgment. To pray like that, is to pray with Gods love on our hearts. In Peter's case, because they wanted to keep him sure, he was chained on both sides to guards, and then there were two guards who would stand watch at the door and four quaternions would mean that there were four groups of four soldiers. So then these people succeeded in gaining the ear of Blastus, the king's chamberlain, and in due course a public session was arranged. He was led into no small perplexity by the reading current in his day, and, to the shame of Christendom, still tolerated as the received reading. Nevertheless "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh;" and he who loves to present the Lord in the depth of His personal grace, and the height of His glory, has surely a spiritual fitness for the expression of the heart's joy in that which faith has created within. 20 Prayer Points With Bible Verses | PRAYER POINTS - prayerguide Not on the other hand that there ought to be a spirit of suspicion or distrust in the church or any Christian. It is we who by confounding matters lose consequently the blessedness and beauty of the truth of God. God will always be Himself, and cannot be other than Sovereign. "It was known throughout all Joppa, and many believed on the Lord." (a) To call (name) by a supplementary (additional, alternative) name, (b) mid: To call upon, appeal to, address. Therefore, in an effort to please them he took action against the apostles by having one of them, James, executed (12:1-2).The execution of James pleased the Jews more than Herod expected, so next time he planned to kill the leading apostle, Peter (3-5). In the midst of a storm, Paul prayed for Gods blessing (Acts 27:35), and after a storm, he prayed that God would heal a sick man (Acts 28:8). Among the Gentiles we know that they were installed, as we shall see a little later, by apostolic choice. Philip, besides being one of the seven, was an "evangelist," as we are told expressly in another part of this very book (Acts 21:8). Ignyes eskv fotzs vllalok Veszprmben, mvszi s dokumentarista fotkkal tudlak titeket elkprztatni. If he deflected the trade of Palestine from their ports their revenues would be seriously impaired. Of this we heard nothing in the divine history of the day of Pentecost; and I think that scripture is abundantly plain that there could have been nothing of the kind then and there. Power of Prayer (Acts 12:1-12) Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. It is too familiar how soon human superstition perverted this blessed institution of the Lord into a sacramental means of grace, duly administered by one in the line of succession. Az eskv helysznnek ezttal a Solo tterem adott otthont. But he, beckoning unto them with the hand to hold their peace [Don't make too bit of a stir, fellows. However graciously given of the Lord as a token to attract the careless minds of men, they are dangerous when they are made the resting-place and the object of the mind; and this was the fatal mistake made then, and not merely there but by many millions of souls from that day to this. Here is an account of Peter's imprisonment (Acts 12:4; Acts 12:4): When he had laid hands on him, and, it is likely, examined him, he put him in prison, into the inner prison; some say, into the same prison into which he and the other apostles were cast some years before, and were rescued out of it by an angel, Acts 5:18; Acts 5:18. If men profess themselves not to be able to do so, they simply profess that they have neither consciences nor moral sense." There are just a lot of Herods in the Bible and it is a little difficult to keep them all straight. It is said according to the Gospel of the Hebrews, in one of the Apocrypha books, they have James saying after the death of Jesus and before His resurrection that he said, "I will not believe unless I can see Him myself." In the New Testament he is called Philip and is mentioned in Luke 3:1. Simon can only answer, "Pray ye to the Lord for me." And so this Herod Agrippa I, the grandson of Herod the Great, began to persecute the church just to curry favor with the Jews.His son, Herod Agrippa II was the one that Paul faced in Caesarea as Paul was actually being interrogated by him in order that they might develop charges against him when he was sent to Nero. God has no pleasure in the death of a sinner. "That word ye know," says Peter, "which was published throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached; how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him . And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison. The apostles then, after preaching in the various villages of the Samaritans, return to Jerusalem. And yet he had in his possession that famous Graeco-Latin Uncial (D) which he presented to the University of Cambridge in 1581, which MS. supports the Alexandrian. For indeed he was but man. The presence of the Holy Ghost was a new and quite unexampled thing even among believers. God had published it already to the sons of Israel, and the good man rejoiced in it. Way, more, had these been Presbyterians, all under the same government, the phraseology would not have been even the church of Judea, and the church of Galilee, and the church of Samaria, but all these would have been in one church, and even then but a small part of a church. 276-78.] A fotzsban az emberbrzolst tekintem a legnagyobb kihvsnak.Fontosnak tartom a folyamatos nkpzst, hogy megismerjem a legjabb trendeket s irnyzatokat, igyekszem mindig napraksz jdonsgokkal szolglni. They have power to shut up heaven, that it does not rain during this period of their prophecy. All that heard were amazed. She was a direct descendant of the Maccabeans, which made her a Jewess, but she was married to Herod the Great and so Herod Agrippa I was sort of half Jewish in a sense. Azeskvi fotzst, eskvi szolgltatk munkjt rendszerint a felszn alapjn tlik meg, de elmeslem a valsgot megmutatni mindenfle kdsts nlkl. The exercise of discipline is the true and legitimate expression of the sanctity of a visible Church considered as a society. I am out! 12:1-17. But the Risen Christ made a special appearance to James ( 1 Corinthians 15:7). So says the Spirit to Philip, "Go near and join thyself to this chariot." The Vatican and all others, uncial and cursive (as far as collated and known), support the error. He was ruler of Judaea, Samaria and Idumaea. The man just now so ignorant is not the channel that God was about to use for bringing out the remarkable confession that is introduced prematurely here. Nowhere in the New Testament does the intervention of Almighty God on behalf of his church appear any more timely and dramatic than in this chapter. It is always thus in the ways of God. 2. With a gesture of his hand he bade them be silent and he told them the whole story of how the Lord had brought him out of prison. This contrariety doth cause me to expound it of the Gentiles." Clearly the Jew is meant. And so they would gird themselves up, that is, they would take the sash and they would pull the robe up to the knees and then they would tie the sash so that the robe would then be short and they could run faster. Observe, The Jews made themselves guilty of the blood of James by showing themselves well pleased with it afterwards, though they had not excited Herod to it. This Herod was not so courteous, that he would stick to win peace or the peoples favor with the punishment of an hundred men or more. But this was not all. Among the various spiritual gifts then common in the Church, the chief place was to be assigned to prophecy; 'for he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.' So Peter came to the house where the prayer meeting was being held. The greatest precautions had been taken to see that Peter did not escape. When Peter had knocked at the door of the entrance a maidservant called Rhoda came to answer the door. The very same people had done it who had so lately received with the utmost favour (not the truth, nor the grace of God, which is inseparable from His truth, but), at any rate, the mighty impress of the grace as well as of the truth which had produced unwonted largeness of heart, unselfishness of spirit, and joy and liberty, that struck the minds of the Jews accustomed to the coldness of death in their own system. Jesus was talking about His death and Jesus said, "Ye shall indeed be baptized with the baptism wherein I was baptized: but to grant to you to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is something really that isn't really in my jurisdiction, that is given to the Father" ( Matthew 20:23 ). It was now guilty of resisting unto blood, not merely as their fathers had done, but the heavenly testimony of Jesus. These chains have fallen off; I'm walking past these guards. Heavenly Father, I pray that I may be quick to confess my own sin, eager to trust Your word and faithful to obey Your commands.. and that I abide in You and You in me, so that I may be a 'man' after Your own heart - to Your praise and glory. There were two exceptional occasions on which one or more of the apostles so acted, but at times of more general interest and importance nothing of the sort was heard of. Stephen speaks of Him as Son of man. Iturea, Trachonitis, Abilene, with Gaulonitis, Batanaea, and Penias. Mary the mother of John was aunt to Barnabas (Colossians 4:10).If Paul and Barnabas were not in her house at the time (which there is no evidence that they were), it is likely that all the particulars of Lord give me the spirit of humility to say SORRY when I am wrong,23:1-5. A believer would have wondered more at the grace of God, and bowed in adoration before Him. Christ's suffering servants are thus trained up by less troubles for greater, that tribulation may work patience, and patience experience. Korbban, filmes idszakban meggondolta TovbbEskvi fots munkja, vrl vre emberek tzezrei dntenek gy, hogy letket sszektik, csaldot alaptanak sboldogsgban lnek. This, to me, is quite fascinating. Next we find Barnabas stirred up to another and a characteristic enterprise. And so it was. (vi) To complete the list we may note that Herod Agrippa ( G67) , was the father of (a) Agrippa the Second, before whom Paul was examined and before whom he made his famous speech ( Acts 25:1-27; Acts 26:1-32). But the Lord said unto him, "Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel. It was the Lord undoubtedly, and the Lord declared He was Jesus, and Jesus was Jehovah. Surely it can't be Peter!". A Christian society which should openly profess to dispense with discipline, and tolerate on principle open and notorious evil doers [or still worse heretics, Antichrists, or their abettors] within its pale, would thereby renounce its title to one of the essential attributes of the Church; it would sever all ostensible connection between itself and the true Church [or rather Christ and His sacrifice: see1 Corinthians 5:1-13; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 ], of which sanctity is an inseparable property; in short, it would unchurch itself. I am, exist. There was a bringing out of that which belonged to Christ, not merely the place which Christ took, but that which He is from all eternity, consequently that which is most of all intrinsically precious. Apparently a primary word; a 'mother'. It was the fact. But it is still more strange as evidence of the slipshod criticism of the Reformers that Beza, who was more of a scholar than his predecessors, uniformly edits , and writes a blundering note to the effect that it is here used in the sense of . Nevertheless, being a good man and full of the Holy Ghost, he seeks out and takes Saul to the apostles when others stood aloof, and declared unto them "how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus; and he was with them coming in and going out at Jerusalem." But if the church were distrustful, the Lord was not unmindful, and knew how to give courage to the heart of His servant. From this family history it may be seen that Herod Agrippa of this chapter was a direct descendant of the Maccabees through his mother Mariamne. This is an essential feature of Christianity. Josephus doth no where call him Herod, it may be, because he had a brother who was king of Chalcis, whose name was Herod. And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. Samaria, which had held out against the truth, was now yielding the harvest that a greater than Philip had sown; and there was joy in that very Samaria where greater works were now done according to His own word. 192, 193). Of any typical or sacrificial element, St. Paul makes no mention: the whole service, with the exception of the Lord's Supper, was manifestly homiletic or verbal. The saints in Jerusalem not only suffered as a result of the famine, they also suffered because Jewish and Roman governmental opposition against them intensified as time passed. The ACTS prayer ensures that you are praising God for who He is, confessing sin on your heart that could otherwise hinder your prayers, and thanking Him for all He is The reading of the Sinai MS. ( ) is a mere blunder, not uncommon in that most ancient but not very accurate document, arising from confusion through a contiguous word; it would give the sense of "unto the preachers, preaching the Lord Jesus." No doubt he had read them many a time, but no better than we have read them, and many other words likewise; and how little we understood any of them to profit until the mighty power of God gave it efficacy in our souls! He could not deny the might that proved itself without effort superior to anything he had ever wielded. Thereon Philip is invited to come up and sit with him, Isaiah 53:1-12; Isaiah 53:1-12 being, as we know, the portion in question; and the eunuch asks of whom the prophet spoke these words "of himself or some other man?" Peter and John prayed for the Samaritans (Acts 8:1417), 6. To Philip was left Iturea and Trachonitis. When the earthly fortunes of the Christians seemed the most precarious, however, providential events took place with sudden finality, lifting the threat completely. God was meeting sinners as such, whatever they might be, giving no doubt a heavenly character to what had a heavenly source with a heavenly result. Hoping to boost his approval ratings even further, Herod had Peter arrested also (v. 3). He was a staunch friend of the Jews and was no doubt influenced by them to make the move to destroy Christianity. He was going, back without the blessing that his earnest heart yearned after. This was all happening during the days of Unleavened Bread, right after Passover (v. 3), around the same time Jesus was Crucified a decade or so previous.
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