Nemesis is a Norn, who, with Shame, having abandoned men, depart,when they have clad their fair skin in white raiment,to the tribe of the immortals.[200]. Lubec. Navilon then unarmed the strange knight, and the king gave him a costly mantle. This was crossed by a stone bridge, guarded by a dragon. Therefore he desired to know which of all the birds was most kindly affectioned towards its young. When Coir-Khan died, the Nestorian people raised this man to be king, and called him King Johannes, and related of him ten times as much as the truth. Innumerable bones were found, together with urns, arms, stone cists, and monumental inscriptions. A superb medal of Cilicia, bearing a Phoenician legend, and struck under the Persian domination, has on one side a figure of this goddess with a crux ansata by her side, the lower member split. Consequently a strife arose between her and Aphrodite, which should possess him. One would have supposed that the humility which had required the holy man to refuse a mitre, would have rendered him callous to the voice of slander, and have sustained him under deprivation. The roof of the chancel is divided into compartments, in four of which are the Evangelistic symbols, rudely, yet effectively painted. Of the greatness of this Prester Johannes, who was properly called Un-Khan, the whole world spake; the Tartars gave him one of every ten head of cattle. Katha Sarit Sagara, book vii. The Prince de Cond submitted him to various tests, and he broke down under every one. From the broken bones in the middens, we learn that the roebuck, the stag, the wild boar, then ranged the forests, that cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, and dogs were domesticated; that these people had two kinds of horses, one a powerful animal, the other smallboned, and that horseflesh was eaten by the inhabitants of the terramares. The idea may have been present in the mind of the servant of Elijah when he told his master that he saw from the top of Carmel rising A little cloud out of the sea, like a mans hand. Lustral rites, somewhat similar, preceded the descent, and the results were not unlike[46]. In the year 1430, after a violent tempest, which broke down the dykes in Holland and flooded the low lands, some girls of the town of Edam in West Friesland, going in a boat to milk their cows, observed a mermaid in shallow water and embarrassed in the mud. [138] Zeitschrift f. Deut. He bade all who were without bread, and the means to purchase it at its then high rate, repair to his great barn. It occupies its legitimate position in the Creeds, and the Church has never failed to insist upon it with no faltering voice. She became his, after having exacted from him an oath never to visit her during her lying-in. Then, at his prayer, lightning fell and destroyed all the idols, whilst the earth, opening, swallowed up the priests. By the moon he had no posterity, but by the other he had one son only, the little Horus. This great goddess was known by different names among the various peoples of Germany. He stole up to her, and took from her the gold necklace she wore; then she lost her power to fly, and she became his wife. What thoughtful, God-fearing persons are to thinkof the said person, is at their option. But another magical harp-that is, the spring breeze restores all to vigour. They said that they had spoken with him, and that many people of all classes had conversed with him, and found him to speak good Spanish. Goodnight, and joy be with you all. And wit yee well, said King Pelles, that this is the holy Sancgreall which yee have heere seene., The next to see the sacred vessel was the pious Sir Bors. Both Giraldus Cambrensis and William of Malmesbury are, however, sadly troubled to find a cause. The inhabitants told him they were descendants of a band of Christians who fled from Spain, when that country was conquered by the Moslems. On a certain occasion there was a long drought, so that pools, tanks,swamps, and lakes were dried up. It simply says (Greek). A miller in the Black Forest, after having cut wood, lay down and slept. . S. Ado wrote a martyrology in 880, but makes no mention of Ursula and the other virgins; nor does Notker of S. Gall, who died in 912; nor, again, does the Cor-bey martyrology of 900; neither do the two of uncertain date called after Labbe and Richenove. It is curious that Devonshire superstition should attribute the tail to Cornishmen, for it was asserted of certain men of Kent in olden times, and was referred to Divine vengeance upon them for having insulted St. Thomas Becket, if we may believe Polydore Vergil. The children in arms she had left were Dietrich and Raymond. As they scalded him, he put his finger into his mouth, and at once obtained the knowledge of futurity. The land was most beautiful, and the grass as gorgeous as purple; it was studded with flowers, and was traversed by honey rills. [147] Younger Olais Saga Trygvas., cap. The magistrates then provided him with the requisite powers, and he went back to the camp. They are deposits analogous to those which have been discovered in Denmark and in Switzerland. Usardus, who mentions these, gives the names of Martha and Saula. Then she went forth to seek food, and the man again stopped up the hole, but once more the hoopoe removed the obstacle by the same means. See our blog on Irish Wake Toasts by clicking here, M. Vir-gines, or the eleven martyr-virgins, and the M. have been mistaken in a later age for a numeral. But when Roland observed the man, he asked who he was. Gambr. Orpheus with his strains allured birds and beasts around him, and made the trees and herbs to grow. In these pits were men and women, some up to their chins, others to their breasts, others to their hams. In Beowulf, it is added that Scild reigned long; and when he saw that he was about to die, he bade his men lay him fully armed in a boat, and thrust him out to sea. The elephant-herd will return, for there is no water elsewhere, and that will be the death of all of us., But the wise and prudent Longear volunteered to drive the herd away; and he succeeded in this manner: Longear went to the elephants, and havingsingled out their king, he addressed him as follows:, Ha, ha! In every mythology, the different attributes of the deity in process of time became distinct gods, yet with sufficient impress of their origin still upon them to make that origin easy to be detected. They walked all round the house, examining every spot of ground, particularly near the window from whence the voice had proceeded; the bed of earth beneath, in which the rose-tree was planted, had been recently dug, and the print of a footstepif the tree had been forced aside by mortal handwould have inevitably remained; but they could perceive no such impression, and an unbroken stillness reigned without. Phaethons death represents the rapid descent of the sun in the west; that of Herakles, the setting orb in a flaming western sky rending the fire-lined clouds, which wrap his body. After some trials, it again gave decided indications, and a well was begun and carried down a very considerable depth. This, too, was done when two of the Caesars were in the city, the first of whom was the eldest and chief of all, and the other held the fourth grade of the imperial dignity after him. of Gibraltar), fertile, well-watered, and covered with forests[176]. The physician examined them with a great deal of care, and dissected them. A twelvemonth later she gave birth to another son, whom she called Gedes; he had a face which was scarlet. St. John Damascene expressly asserts that he will not be an incarnate demon, but a devilish man; for he says, Not as Christ assumed humanity, so will the devil become human, but the Man will receive all the inspiration of Satan, and will suffer the devil to take up his abode within him. In this manner Antichrist could have many forerunners; and so St. Jerome and St. Augustine saw an Antichrist in Nero, nottheAntichrist, but one of those of whom the Apostle speaksEven now are there many Antichrists. Thus also every enemy of the faith, such as Diocletian, Julian, and Mahomet, has been regarded as a precursor of the Arch-persecutor, who was expected to sum up in himself the cruelty of a Nero or Diocletian, the show of virtue of a Julian, and the spiritual pride of a Mahomet. He related also that he was in Rome when Nero set it on fire; he had known Saladin, Tamerlane, Bajazeth, Eterlane, and could give minute details of the history of the Crusades.[15]. The same is told in the Rigveda of the Ribhus: O sons of Sudharvan, out of the hide have you made the cow to arise; by your songs the old have you made young, and from one horse have you made another horse[65].. How the ancient Indians could regard the rain-clouds as cows with full udders, milked by the winds of heaven, is beyond our comprehension, and yet their Veda contains indisputable testimony to the fact that so they were regarded. We will only refer the reader for additional information to thePurgatoire de Saint Patrice; legende du xiii' Siecle,1842; a reprint by M. Prosper Tarbe of a MS. in the library at Rheims; a Memoire by M. Paul Lacroix in theMelanges historiques,published by M. Champoilion Figeac, vol. On hearing of this disaster, the poor father, in a paroxysm of misery, exclaimed, as Melusina approached to comfort him, Away, odious serpent, contaminator of my honourable race!. Hanover, 1854. At ten oclock in the evening all three had entered the wine shop. According to these, Antichrist will overrun the earth, mounted on an ass, and followed by 40,000 Jews; his empire will last forty days, whereof the first day will be a year long, the duration of the second will be a month, that of the third a week, the others being of their usual length. According to a third version, the bird is an eagle, and schamir is the Stone of Wisdom. Salvius Brabon then asked the emperor to give him the young damsel Swan in marriage, and he readily complied with the request, creating him at the same time Duke of Brabant; Octavian took the name of Germanicus, and became King of Cologne, and Tongres exchanged its name for Germania, after the sister of the emperor, its queen[214]. Procopius declares that this tradition was widely spread, and that it was reported to him by many people. The excavations to the north led to the summer apartment. The dress, which Lady Fanshawes terror did not prevent her remarking accurately, was that of the ancient Irish. He hastens to his bark on the sea-shore, and has no sooner launched it, than he perceives its hull sink sensibly in the water, so as to express the weight of the dead with whom it is filled. Several other gentlemen and ladies tried it, but it was quite inactive in their hands. iii. But the Norseman deliberately walked, sword in hand, into the maw of the dragon, and next moment, to his infinite surprise and delight, found himself liberated from the gloom of the monsters interior, and safely placed in Paradise. The story is very ancient and popular. At Ulm, in Swabia, in 1530, the people were forbidden the carrying about of ploughs and ships on Shrove Tuesday. [67] Noel: Diet, de la Fable; art. Taliesin ben Beirdd, the famous poet of the same age, speaks of the sacred vessel in a manner which connects it with bardic mythology. A second blow laid the boar at his side. In the year of the Greeks 1514, of the Arabs 599 (A.D. 1202), when Unk-Khan, who is the Christian King John, ruled over a stock of the barbarian Hunns, called Kergt, Tschingys-Khan served him with great zeal. The old Roman cemetery became a quarry of relics, apparently inexhaustible. We two have paddled in the stream, We unfortunately know too little of the iconography of the Gauls, to be able to decide whether the cross was with them the symbol of a water deity; but I think it probable, and for this reason, that it is the sign of gods connected, more or less remotely, with water in other religions. [189] The natives of the Canaries relate of this island, which they name after S. Brandan, the following tale. And the natives there see pale, statue-like figures and dead corpses wandering[181]. According to Philemon in Pliny, the Cimbri called the Northern Ocean Morimarusa,i.e. thiopica, lib. Brantome, in his eulogium on the Duke of Montpensier, who in 1574 destroyed Lusignan, a Huguenot retreat, says: I heard, more than forty years ago, an old veteran say, that when the Emperor Charles V. came to France, they brought him by Lusignan for the sake of the recreation of hunting the deer, which were then in great abundance in the fine old parks of France; that he was never tired of admiring and praising the beauty, the size, and the chef doeuvre of that house, built, which is more, by such a lady, of whom he made them tell him several fabulous tales, which are there quite common, even to the good old women who washed their linen at the fountains, whom Queen Catherine de Medicis, mother of the king, would also question and listen to. One is the house of gloom, another of men with sharp swords, another of heat, one of cold, one of the mansions is haunted by bloodsucking bats, another is the den of ferocious tigers[42]. He is said to have appeared in Naumburg, but the date is not given; he was noticed in church, listening to the sermon. In the fable of Leda, Zeus, the heaven above, clothed in swans shape,that is, enveloped in white mist,embraces the fair Leda, who is probably the earth-mother, and by her becomes the father of the Dioscuri, the morning and evening twilights, and, according to some, of beautiful Helen, that is, Selene, the moon. A late fable relates how that Achilles and Helen were united on a spirit-isle in Northern Pontus, where they were served by flights of white birds[201]. It instantly dived, descending in a perpendicular direction. On all sides he is met by practice widely at variance with profession. Gautier de Metz, in his poem on the Image du Monde, written in the thirteenth century, places the terrestrial Paradise in an unapproachable region of Asia, surrounded by flames, and having an armed angel to guard the only gate. In the ninth hymn of the Yajna, Zoroaster asks Homa who were the first of mortals to honour him, and Homa replies: The first of mortals to whom I manifested myself was Vivanghvat, father of Yima, under whom flourished the blessed age which knew not cold of winter, or scorching heat of summer, old age or death, or the hatred produced by the Devas. Histor. Like the myth of Sigfried. Aristotle accepted the notion of there being a new continent in the West, and described it, from the accounts of the Carthaginians, as a land opposite the Pillars of Hercules (Str. from morning sun till dine; Helgi explored this forest, and lighted suddenly on a party of red-dressed women riding upon red horses. Even in a sunlit room, According to the ancient Christian legend, the body of George travelled from the place of his martyrdom to that of his nativity; this resembles the journey of the body of Osiris, down the Nile, over the waves to Biblos, where Isis found him again. When one reverses the ossuaries, the saucer-lids, or the accessory vases, one saw almost always, if in good preservation, a cross traced thereon. The king took the nest along with the poults to his palace, and put it into a glass vessel. Raymond was riveted to the spot with astonishment. On the other side of the Alps, at the same period, lived a people in a similar state of civilization, whose palustrine habitations and remains have been carefully explored. Passing along a mountain side, he sees the rocks gape before him, and entering, he sees a beautiful lady, who bids him help himself freely to the gold which is scattered on all sides in profusion. Pope Alexander III. It is one of the painful duties of the antiquarian to dispel many a popular belief, and to probe the groundlessness of many an historical statement. It became popular through the Gesta Romanorum, a collection of tales made by the monks for harmless reading, in the fourteenth century. The females of that country are very beautiful and are tailless. In some versions of the story, it is the pale blue flower, The blue flower, whichBramins sayBlooms nowhere but in Paradise. And of that mount, the Cytee hathe his name. Accordingly, Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, sought the nest of the bird, and laid over it a piece of glass. It was Gog and Magog come to slaughter, and the times of Antichrist were dawning. In thank-offering for his birth she erected and endowed the convent of Malliers; and, as a place of residence for her child, built the strong castle of Favent. An old Swedish Theophilus of 1350 exists in the royal library at Stockholm. 3) and St. Paulinus (Nat. When the Christians and the Greeks [i. e. heathen] saw this, they referred the signs to their own religions. But that this vessel of the liquor of Wisdom held a prominent place in British mythology is certain from the allusions made to it by the bards. Wolfius[135] who tells the story on the authority of Honorius Augustodunensis (d. 1152), Marianus Scotus (d. 1086), and Grithemius (d. 1516), accompanying it with the curious picture which is reproduced on the opposite page, says, This is regarded by many as a fable, yet the tower, taking its name from the mice, exists to this day in the river Rhine. But this is no evidence, as there is documentary proof that the tower was erected as a station for collecting tolls on the vessels which passed up and down the river. We must go a little further. Cycnus having left his kingdom, accompanied by his sisters, was filling the verdant banks, and the river Eridanus, and the forest, with his complaints; when the human voice becomes shrill, and grey feathers conceal his hair. c. 37. He is related to have been a female, and, when a girl, to have accompanied her sweetheart in male costume to Athens; there she advanced in various sciences, and none could be found to equal her. Then I asked if they knew where they were in their sleep, and what sort of dreams they had had; he answered that they had been oppressed with many fancies and wonderful dreams, different from those they were accustomed to in their chambers; and in the morning when they went out, in a short while they had clean forgotten their dreams and visions; wherefore he concluded that the whole matter was fancy.. The harp is the wind, the bags are the clouds dropping the sparkling rain, and the golden egg, laid every morning by the red hen, is the dawn-produced sun. It is also to be seen in the church of S. Peter, at Troyes, and in that of S. Julien at Mans, in both instances on stained glass. The sun, the moon, and two stars, are placed at the feet of the Angel, the Bull, the Lion, and the Eagle. The council broke up, and lords and ladies were scattered along the banks of the Meuse. The street through which the piper went is called the Bungen-Strasse, because no music, no drum (Bunge), may be played in it If a bridal procession passes through it, the music must cease until it is out of it. King Olaf, Longfellow tells us, when keeping Christmas at Drontheim, Oer his drinking-horn, the signHe made of the Cross Divine,As he drank, and mutterd his prayers;But the Berserks evermoreMade the sign of the Hammer of ThorrOver theirs., This we are told by Snorro Sturleson, in the Heimskringla[81], when he describes the sacrifice at' Lade, at which King Hakon, Athelstans foster-son was present: Now, when the first full goblet was filled, Earl Sigurd spoke some words over it, and blessed it in Odins name, and drank to the king out of the horn; and the king then took it, and made the sign of the cross over it. The hoopoe finding that she could not get to her young, flew away in quest of a plant (Greek), which she brought, and applied to the plaster, which at once gave way, and admitted her to her young. And to this day, a stone statue of this king stands in the temple of Vulcan, with a mouse in his hand, and an inscription to the following effect: Whoever looks on me, let him revere the gods[154].. There youths and maidens dance hand in hand on the dewy grass, green trees are laden with apples, and behind the woods the golden sun dips and rises. The material blessings are easier to be described. Die Histori oder Geschicht von der edle und schonen Melusina; Augsburg, 1547; Strasburg, 1577, 1624. Moreover, when the coins of the Greek type took their place, the cross was continued as the ornamentation of the coin. But game is not to be found in the forest, for every living creature of the woods is listening to Gunadhya. Otto wrote a chronicle up to the date 1156, and he relates that in 1145 the Catholic Bishop of Cabala visited Europe to lay certain complaintsbefore the Pope. 1645; in Le Quien, Oriens Christianus, tom. The Church honours him as a penitent, on the 4th February. The evil spirit came, as was his wont, to the cistern, and scented the wine. It also appears on the soundtrack, The Walking Dead: Original Soundtrack Vol. They heard the unknown voice, the sweet song of the hero. Strained as some of these explanations may seem, they are nevertheless true. After this, Sennacherib, king of the Arabians and Assyrians, marched a large army against Egypt; whereupon the Egyptian warriors refused to assist him; and the priest being reduced to a strait, entered the temple, and bewailed before the image the calamities he was in danger of suffering. The restless mind of man, ever seeking a reason to account for the marvels presented to his senses, adopts one theory after another, and the rejected explanations encumber the memory of nations as myths, the significance of which has been forgotten. On the wall of a house in the town is written, in gold characters, Anno 1284 am dage Johannis et Pauli war der 26. But perhaps the most remarkable account of theterrestrial Paradise ever furnished, is that of the Eireks Saga Vdfrla, an Icelandic narrative of the fourteenth century, giving the adventures of a certain Norwegian, named Eirek, who had vowed, whilst a heathen, that he would explore the fabulous Deathless Land of pagan Scandinavian mythology. Dont see this option? Napoleon is, says the writer, an impersonification of the sun. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. But the old man continued to talk with Pheredur; and as he did not tell Pheredur the reason of what took place, Pheredur did not venture to ask him. p. 132. The water owed its virtues to the beam which lay beneath it. Sagen, p. 499. But during her papacy she became in the family way by a familiar. And on being asked his opinion of Mahomet, he replied that he had been acquainted with the father of the prophet, and that he dwelt at Ormuz. He says that there are seven names by which this rod is known, and to itsexcellences under each title he devotes a chapter of his book. The brook pours into another river, and the inhabitants of the neighborhood obtain thence abundance of precious stones. This animal appeared to be about the size of a boy eight or nine years old, and its head was formed like that of a man. This is the hand of a man who has been hung, and it is prepared in the following manner: wrap the hand in a piece of winding-sheet, drawing it tight, so as to squeeze out the little blood which may remain; then place it in an earthenware vessel with saltpetre, salt, and long pepper, all carefully and thoroughly powdered. A monster resembling a Siren, caught near the island of Borne, or Boeren, in the Department of Amboine. Next year a swarm of crickets ate up the herbage; the people were in despair. P- 346. Both orders were vowed to chastity and obedience, both were subject to a head, who exercised regal authority. 1847, p. 6. When she came to herself again, with streaming tears she kissed and embraced him for the last time. lii. From the navel upward, her back and breasts were like a womans, as they say that saw her; her body as big as one of us, her skin very white, and long hair hanging down behind, of colour black. This probably connects it with those stories, so rife in the middle ages, of birds or weasels, which were able to restore the dead to life by means of a mysterious plant. A Flemish Theophilus was published by M. Philipp Blommaert, from an old MS. of the fourteenth century, in 1836. Then, following the track of the thief, it led him to the cottage of one of the keepers, but did not move over any of the individuals then in the house. On hearing this, Perceval sought out and slew Pertinax, healed his uncle, obtained in return the sacred vessel and the bleeding lance, and retired to a hermitage. Tzetze relates that on the ocean coast, opposite Britannia, live fishermen subject to the Franks, but freed from paying tribute, on account of their occupation, which consists in rowing souls across to the opposite coast[180]. by burial alive. Passes half his time in heaven, and half in the nether world. Often played at the There is scarcely a story which I hear which I cannot connect with some family of myths, and whose pedigree I cannot ascertain with more or less precision.
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